
~ 预定 18.3.26 20:20 发布







进度 Timelines

~ 记录当周关键事件日期+证据链接 - 大妈一支穿云箭: 0317 10d[RDD]为怼圈重启:完善常设项目:自述

任务 Tasks

~ 千军万马来相见 - [RDD] YHDutySchedule 项目, 自述原案 - [RDD] 释狮大会 项目, 自述原案 - [RDD] DU4ai 项目, 自述原案 - [RDD] Music Meets Programming 项目,自述原案

进展 Progress

~ 整体圈内活跃指标情况(st 专用服务, 尚少使用手册)

allcic Commit timesweekly Commit times
ZoomQuiet529 zoejane4
liguanghe505 Hugo10303
zhangshiyinrunwithcc463 ZoomQuiet1
leilayanhui393 leilayanhui1
zoejane329 guoyuming1
all Commit Comments timesweekly CommitComments times
all Issue Comments timesweekly IssueComments times
liguanghe829 ZoomQuiet3
ZoomQuiet548 Hugo10302
zhangshiyinrunwithcc416 zoejane1
mxclover115 littlexiaocai1
zoejane114 leilayanhui1

成果 Achievements

~ 各种成品/半成品 内部知识作品 - 2d[LOG]翻译 自述驱动开发 - V2SaturdayTest 周六排班表

故事 Stories

~ 收集各自无法雷同的怼圈真人故事… - littlexiaocai - AI穷鬼的深度学习服务器探索 > 从 GPU 性价比, 其他费用, 用户体验等角度对比了几大服务器(AWS, crestle, paperspace). 别犹豫啦, 上路! - 张诗颖 - Wrt33先做后想的科学解释 > 先做还是先想? 有什么科学解释? 各种人名卡/术语卡/反常识卡扑面而来~ 做好准备, 接招!

推荐 Recommedations

~ 嗯哼各种怼路上发现的嗯哼…


后记 Postscript

~ 怼周刊是什么以及为什么和能怎么…

大妈曰过: 参差多态 才是生机 问题在 参差 的行为是无法形成团队的

Coming together is a beginning; 
Keeping together is progress; 
Working together is success!

<— Henry Ford

  • 所以, 有了 大妈 随见随怼的持续嗯哼…
  • 但是, 想象一年后, 回想几十周前自己作的那些 图样图森破
  • 却没现成的资料来出示给后进来嗯哼?
  • 不科学, 值得记录的, 就应当有个形式固定下来
  • 所以,有了这个 怼周刊 (Weekly 4 DU)

What is DUW? Why we make DUW? What are the possibilities of DUW?

Dama said, variety brings vitality. But various behaviors may make us hard to cooperate as a team.

Coming together is a beginning; 
Keeping together is progress; 
Working together is success!

<— Henry Ford

That’s why Dama keeps on debugging. However, as time goes by, maybe you would not remember these days clearly and spread your experience difficultly. What a pity! The valuable should have a fixed form to be recorded. That’s why we make the Weekly for DU.